
    Gripping documentary/catalogue of hate-targets surrounding a company geared to target “influencers”, setting up a high-end festival on a tropical paradise, and the attendant tale of how neglect, pig-headedness and wilful denial of the facts led to the event seeing thousands of entitled arseholes travel to an island to learn that the promises had all been…

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      TOTALLY didn’t recognise Amanda Peet in this.  As Liz puts it, “The disaster movie that has EVERYTHING” (“everything” being fire, tidal waves, magnetic inversion, ice, etc).  Spoiler alert – they make it.  And they find “new land” in Africa.  So I bet they felt like complete pricks turning up with giraffes in their big boat…

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        Bafflingly strong cast for what’s otherwise a “by numbers” movie without much of a point.  I think the takeaways for me were that the human race can be real dicks when things get tough out there, that Jude Law in a plastic bubble looks like a *real* git, and more than anything, that there are…

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