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Larry B. Standing
Crisps of the UK (& environs)
Global crisp network
Whisky Nerds and their terrifying birds
Anatomy of a walk to work
2006-11-16 : Anatomy of a walk to the bus stop
The Ticket Thing
Anyone wanna make up a table?
Anyone wanna make up a table?
Achievement comes in many forms. #totallygoingonmycv
When might be a good occasion to try these, one wonders. #crisps #terrifying
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One can best unwind at a beach when presided over by a defensive fortification. #larrybstanding #turrets #crennelations
A bold South African ad campaign that speaks to all of us, I think. Looking at the chap in the photo I'm not convinced this is his first rodeo.
WTF is this?46 years old, and a frequent spice section shopper – and this is the first I've heard of this…
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