The Way Back

Ben Affleck as former-basketball-superstar turned coach of church high school team. Felt a bit like a by-the-numbers underdog-comes-good tale with a mixture of tragic father figure. I don’t think I’m ever gonna think of this other than “a film I


I love a good “girls strike back” film, only it genuinely pisses me off that this kind of female empowerment has to come as a result of guys being complete dicks. Why can’t we have a story where the alpha-jock


Based on a true story, about a group of lads who started playing a game of tag as young’uns, and for one month a year continued it into their later years.  I suspect the actual game/true story was a lot

Silver Linings Playbook

It’s been a while since I saw a film this genre-ambiguous. Seemingly a comedy lining up Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro & Jackie Weaver in the prime roles, Jennifer Lawrence tangents in and all of a sudden the film switches orbits,


Rewatch for us of the Megyn Kelly/Gretchen Carlson/Roger Ailes story; chilling stuff, expertly assembled.  Makes me feel even worse about Rupert Murdoch having started his empire in Adelaide. O, for a time machine. 👍


Atmospheric World War 1 drama seemingly captured in a single shot (it wasn’t, but it seemed to have been), with a cast that was either great actors or less-great actors whose presence made you think “I bet they were thinking


Totally didn’t recognise Renee Zellweger in this biopic focus on the latter years of Judy Garland’s life – what a surreal life though… People in the nexus of global adoration can end up leading lives so far detached from “the

When Harry Met Sally

I was drawn back to a rewatch of this following hearing Lucy Prebble on the ALWAYS EXCELLENT Rule of Three podcast – and though visibly an artefact of its time, I thought it was an incredibly well put together film.

Scent of a Woman

HOOOO-AAAH! Ok, so choosing this was probably an exercise in half-remembered nostalgia – I’m still pretty sure it’s a good film, but it’s VISIBLY from 1992.  Philip Seymour Hoffman looks like a tiny child, and the whole affair definitely looks


I studied this book in Year 10, and the only thing I could remember about it was that it bored me to frigging tears – so it seemed on the surface like watching a film adaptation with actors who’d gotten

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